How to Increase Connections in Linkedin

Have you thought about how to increase your network connections in Linkedin? We promise not to bore you with the click-by-click instructions provided in the Linkedin Help Center or Learning Webinars. You can use these links to set up your profile to get started. Once you have your profile started, let the Linkedin connections begin!

If your market is other businesses or business professionals, Linkedin is where you want to start making digital connections. We only want to do business with people we know, like, and trust. We recommend posting from your own blog, other news sources you follow, or pose questions that other people could share their knowledge. To spread your reach and underscore your professional experience consider these Linkedin profile post-connecting tips:

  1. Use Linkedin Home and create a post. These posts can include text and an image. You can choose either the Paperclip or Pencil. There is a difference.
    • The Paperclip will be a file or image with a text comment for an update.
    • The Pencil will create a post that allows a 698 x 400 pixel image, a headline, and formatted text!
  2. Integrate your Linkedin posts with other social media profiles.
    • Post from Linkedin to Twitter. Go to your profile login screen (upper right hand corner of their screen where your image is). Once you have this screen under the Profile icon, and check out Settings in this screen. See the red circles below to find this option.
    • Post to Pinterest. Go to Linkedin Home:
      • Create a post using the Paperclip with an image. Once the Paperclip post is up, hover over the image. The Pin icon appears from Pinterest. Click and the image and follow the steps for your image to be posted in Pinterest.
  3. Create a post within a group. Make sure the post is relevant to the group’s reason for forming. You might alienate group members if your posts do not make sense to be there. These group posts also post to the Linkedin Home.

We’re here to help. To learn more about social media check out our Idea Factory, Jelly! Chattanooga events. We invite you to attend these free monthly events and bring a friend! Every month we cover a different aspect of social media and you’ll get connected with local business professionals.
