Understanding the Fine Print

Being a business owner means a lot of paperwork to fill out.  I'm not a lawyer, but I do have a lot of business experience under my belt, so I want to share some of the pitfalls I've seen business owners fall into when it comes to signing, preparing, or sharing sensitive business information.

Are you wondering how other businesses become successful? The secret is staying focused on what you do that makes you money! If managing your office space and ALL the services that it takes to make it work are not making you money, why do you want to spend precious time and money on these tasks? 

This article is going to help you think about your office workspace in a whole new way and explore the available service options to help you focus on your business. I should know the impact of this because my business has been serving business people with alternative full-service workspace options since 1995. I've learned to delegate what doesn't make me money. I've listened to the clients we serve and what their workspace needs are. This one concept has helped me grow a second business and I'm now working on a third!

Business Man Working At Office With Laptop, Tablet And Graph Data Documents On His Desk

Office Space Agreements

how to navigate the "fine print" of office space

Like I've said, I'm not an attorney. My experience brings years of workspace market study, and the actual hands-on service of meeting the Evolving Entrepreneur's needs in our full-service office space. Want some life hacks for office workspace? Here we go!

Ultimately, what you really, really want is a workspace environment that serves your business needs. Think about what type of office support would help you focus on money making activities? Your workspace should be about the value of the location. It should support the growth of your business. Office space is not ALL about the square footage, although you want to have room to get your work done.

Office space should become a nest to nurture the growth of your professional development, brand or service in the market. Check out our blog article, "Office Space From Incubator to Nest." The location of your office workspace is important. The location speaks when you can't. It tells that client searching for you online just how serious you are about meeting their needs, how established your business is, and should lend itself to establishing your credibility. Your office should be a place to focus on what makes you money and support you doing it!

What Should Be Included

There are SEVERAL office space options available outside of a full-service office space. I recognize your head may be ready to explode if you've not had to determine what office environment would work best for you and your company. In fact, I have compiled a whole battery of questions you should ask in the blog post, "How to Choose an Affordable Office Space for You."

Here are what other office work environments may offer, so you're an informed consumer:

  • An open workspace with intermittent access to confidential meeting rooms.
  • "Low cost" workspace for a limited period of time and require a move out after achievement of certain business goals.
  • "Low cost" office space and a manage-everything-yourself experience within it for everything from heating and air to staffing your lobby.
  • A collaborative work environment where your participation in the office space upkeep is mandatory to have access to it.
  • An office workspace and investors, but these investors want a portion of business ownership.
  • Lots of locations all over the world or the country, but their management team has no business development knowledge or community connections to help you grow your business in that location. As it's said, it's about who you know!
  • Lots of free parking, but do your clients want to do business at the location?

This alot to think about. Just because the price point is "right for you" doesn't mean it's the best place for your business or your clients, i.e. buying public. Make sure you evaluate the actual value of the office space location. Are you empowered to focus on your business and actually making money? Is the office support team willing to connect you with local resources and community connections? Sometimes it's not what's listed on the invoice that brings the greatest value.

Something to remember

There are plenty of pros when it comes to having a virtual office. But are there any cons? There have to be some, right? Well, there are some downsides to virtual offices. The lack of physical space is the most important and it is something that business owners have to think about for their business plan. If you are going to need space later on, virtual offices might not be worth the upfront cost savings.

But at the end of the day, it all comes down to what your business needs. If you are looking for a cheap alternative to regular office space and don't need additional physical space, a virtual office could be exactly what you need.

Young Man Reading Written Agreements For Work

Virtual Staff Agreements

how to safely and confidently hire virtual staff to help you

Have you ever felt like you're bogged down with too much work? Maybe you could be a little more productive, if you just had someone to give you an extra hand? We're all living in a world of technology, and it becomes more and more expansive every day. The thing is, many people aren't using the tech they're offered to the fullest - and you just so happen to be one of them. Why is that? Because you've failed to utilize one of the most groundbreaking things to ever show up in the tech industry: the virtual assistant.

I know what you're thinking. "A robot? I don't want a robot working for me." First off, you're working with a real person, not a robot. More to the point, you're missing out on something fantastic that could truly change the game for you and your company. To show you what we mean, here are a few reasons why hiring a virtual assistant is the key to your business reaching all-new heights. Keep reading to find out more.

No Training Required

Remember when you had to train your last assistant? It took a lot of time, money, and effort in order to show them the ropes and get them to understand not only how the business runs, but also what they're required to do in their position. All of that extra work can be exhausting. It's also not necessary when you opt for a virtual assistant instead. Every virtual assistant has a specialty of their own, and whenever you're in need of that specialty you simply request the proper assistant for the job. Need an immaculate planner? Maybe someone super versed in studying business projections? Or maybe you're in need of an individual with flawless coordination skills? Each virtual assistant has a specialty, and you don't have to train them in it.

They Work Around Your Schedule

No matter how awesome an on-site assistant may be, they can only be available at certain times of the day. These times usually correspond with when the business is open, and when you're closed, they are too. This can be a problem, of course, because if you really need something done after hours you might as well hang it up. Virtual assistants aren't forced to start and stop on the clock. In fact, they have no clock to adhere to, because they're freelancers. A virtual assistant works online, and can work anywhere at any time. This means you can call on them to help you out with any project, and they'll be there to lend a hand no matter the hour. It's clear that having a virtual assistant is a definite plus for any company. Do yourself a favor and hire one for your needs today.

Businessmen shaking hands during a meeting.

Meeting Space Contracts

understand what's "normal" when renting meeting space

This may seem like something that should be obvious but make sure that all of your financial commitments are spelled out. Knowing everything that you are responsible for is extremely important. 

What do you get for your money? Are you getting all of the benefits that you are paying for? 

What Should Be Included

A lease agreement states the names or company names of the leasor and lease, the address, terms of the lease. It should also state what the premises may be used for. Can the space be used for production or only to run an office? All information related to money should also be in here, the monthly rental and the deposit amount, rates and taxes, any utility charges as well as maintenance fees. Matters related to insurance also need to be stated.  There should also be items that describe what both the tenant and landlord can expect from each other in terms of taking care of the premises, and any rules about renovations and alterations. Cleaning arrangements, terms about your right to privacy as a tenant, and your landlord’s right to access the premises. Your business needs may change, so there should also be information on the termination of the lease. Also check whether rules and regulations of tenancy and other special conditions are mentioned in the office lease agreement. This document is a legal contract, so read all the clauses before you sign it.

Art. Neuron network concept. 3D illustration

Keep Your Data Safe

learn what to look out for when it comes to sharing online

Keeping your passwords, financial, and other personal information safe and protected from outside intruders is a priority of businesses, but it's increasingly important for consumers and individuals to take data protection advice and use sound practices to keep your personal information safe. There is a ton of information out there for consumers, families, and individuals on protecting passwords, desktop computers, laptops, and mobile devices from hackers. Using best practices for internet safety. 

Tips to Protect Your Data Online

When you're signing legal documents, you will often need to fax, email, or otherwise digitally transmit them to their final destination.  When doing this - use only legitimate software, look for the green lock / SSL in the browser, don't submit anything not necessary, etc.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to

Link to article: https://theconciergeofficesuites.com/guard-credit-mobile-workers/
