Spend Less Time On The Phone & Be Productive

For the modern business person, smartphones are a blessing and a curse. We have convenient access to information and our business records. We can stay on top of current events. However, our customers, family, friends and telemarketers also have access to us at all times, and that can be a detriment to our productivity!

The issue most people are concerned over is the fact that we are becoming less and less productive because of how much time we spend on our phones. We all want to be more productive at work, whether the job is a stay at home parent or a CEO. So how can we spend less time on our phones and get more work done during the day?phone with a chain and lock


There are several solutions to overcome this productivity thief that is our cell phone. So let’s look at a few options so you can find one that helps you.

#1 Bask in Silence

Our phones are typically always on our person, in our handbags or right beside us. Therefore every time we get a ding, ping or chime, we feel compelled to check our phone and then the next thing we know, 20 minutes have passed.

An easy solution for this is to simply turn off our notifications. This can be done by going into your phone’s settings and clicking “Turn off notifications.” Simple as that.

#2 Know Thyself

Another helpful solution is personal awareness. Ever received your bill and gasp at the data usage? You see that you are over your limit and cut back or you pay extra to avoid going over the limit. Simply knowing your usage serves as a reminder to keep track of this information to help you to stay off of your phone.

#3 Plan Ahead

If you have a more organized personality, then plan ahead. Schedule times in your day that you will be phone-free. This gives you some quiet time that you can focus and get in the zone and get work done while still knowing that you will be able to check those notifications.

You can also check your calendar and reminder notifications before taking these breaks so you can keep your day on track without needing those chimes and buzzes.

#4 Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Removing the phone from your work zone is an option if the sight of it is too tempting, as well as turning it over, so that the screen is out of sight. Research suggests this technique signals our brain to be less stressed and anxious.

#5 Priorities

Make a “To Do” list. Prioritize work by making a “To Do” list that requires putting the phone down, in order to complete all the items on the list, i.e., stopping to pick up your phone would not permit the time to finish everything.

#6 Rise and Shine

Another option is waking up earlier, say 30 minutes before your normal time to be on your phone, guilt free. You can omit being on your phone during the work day.

#7 Pomodoro

Use the Pomodoro Technique to get more things done in less time. With this technique, you identify several tasks you want to accomplish, and set a timer for 25 minutes. Accomplish one task in that amount of time. Make a goal to accomplish at least three Pomodoro’s a day.

#8 Commit to Your Productivity

Our dependence on our phones to keep us on track and connected is like an epidemic and psychologists are even concerned about addiction! Can you imagine Smartphone Dependence becoming the newest diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)?

How ridiculous that sounds, but the reality is more accurate than we think. One of the criteria to meet this diagnoses is it causes significant impairment in social and occupational functioning. Starting to sound more realistic?

There are options to spend less time on the phone and increase productivity so you don’t have to keep fighting against your technology to get work done. The trick is to find a technique that works for you and then STICK WITH IT! It will be rough at first, but as you start to reclaim your productivity, you’ll see that it’s worth it and it will be easier over time.

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