Toastmasters International Local Club Wordspinners Finds New Home

Toastmasters International local club Wordspinners meets at The Concierge Office Suites with a young woman with a bullhorn with all kinds of line art ideas coming from her head

The Concierge Office Suites is now host to Toastmasters International local Wordspinners Club - Toastmasters International. The club meets in person and over Zoom every second and fourth Wednesday of the month from 6-7 p.m. (EST). Visit as many times as you like or become a member. Each meeting there is a selected theme to inspire our impromptu speakers. This is your chance to develop your leadership and public speaking skills. The best part is you can test your content on a live audience and gain helpful feedback. When you join a local club, you've joined Toastmasters International. 


Discover Your Voice at the Wordspinners Club at
The Concierge Office Suites

Are you looking to boost your public speaking and leadership skills? Whether you’re a seasoned speaker or someone who quivers at the thought of giving a toast, the Wordspinners Club at The Concierge Office Suites offers a vibrant leadership development community and a platform to hone your speaking skills. Wordspinners, Toastmasters International local club is the perfect place to stretch your capabilities. The cool part is this local club meets in person here and on Zoom!

Why Join Toastmasters?
Toastmasters International is a world leader in communication and leadership development. Joining a local club like Wordspinners gives you access to a global network of 270,000 members (as of 2023) who are committed to personal and professional growth. When you become a member of our local club, you’re not just joining a club; you’re becoming part of an international organization with a proven track record of transforming potential into excellence. In fact in 2024, Toastmasters International is celebrating 100 years in existence!

Flexible Meeting Options
We understand that flexibility is key in today’s busy world. That's why we offer both in-person and Zoom options for attending these meetings. The Concierge Office Suites offers a 360 degree view of our in-person meeting to online Zoom participants with our speakers being automatically being highlighted. The best part is our in-person participants can also see the Zoom participants on our Conference Room flat panel screen. This hybrid meeting model ensures that no matter where you are, you can keep developing your skills and stay connected with the community.

Themed Meetings Spark Creativity
Each meeting at the Wordspinners Club features a selected meeting theme, designed to inspire and challenge our members. Themes infuse our meetings with excitement and variety, making each session unique. Our impromptu meeting agenda segment, Table Topics, offers these speakers a chance to share a quick highlight of their experiences using our meeting theme. This creative approach not only enhances the learning experience but also provides a vibrant atmosphere that promotes enthusiastic participation.

Gain Live Feedback
One of the cornerstones of the Toastmasters experience is the opportunity to speak before a live audience and receive instant, constructive feedback in our Evaluator agenda segment. This process is invaluable as it helps refine your message and delivery, improving your confidence and effectiveness as a speaker. Toastmasters International offers guidelines on what makes an effective speech evaluation and the actual Speaker can ask for specific feedback on their speech. Feedback examples might be hand gestures to emphasize topics or awareness of a specific filler word. The supportive environment of Wordspinners ensures that feedback is given in a manner that is both helpful and encouraging.

Develop Leadership Skills
Leadership isn't just about taking charge; it's about encouraging others to step into their leadership rolls, making decisions, and developing skills. At Wordspinners, leadership development is integral. Wordspinners offers a meeting agenda to guide new meeting attendees through what's up next and descriptions of each roll in the meeting. You’ll have opportunities to take on various club roles with coaching and guidelines on the 'how to,' which will challenge you to lead meetings, plan events, and guide other members, all of which are fantastic ways to sharpen your leadership abilities.

Test Your Content
Whether you are preparing for a professional presentation, or just want to get better at storytelling, the Wordspinners Club is a great place to test your content. Toastmasters International offers curriculum through their online platform, Pathways. This Pathways platform walks you through how to improve your speaking skills one step at a time and applies it to various aspects of speaking along with leadership development. As member of Toastmasters, you may compete in various speech competitions starting at the local club level all the way to the World Championship of Public Speaking. Wordspinners has invited various International Speech Competitors to our club to practice their talks. The immediate feedback from fellow members helps you tweak and refine your message, ensuring that when the time comes, your delivery is polished and impactful. 

Join Us and Transform Your Communication Skills
Every journey begins with a single step, and your journey towards becoming a confident speaker and leader can start at The Concierge Office Suites with the Wordspinners Club. One surprising thing about Wordspinners is you also have the chance to become a better and more active listener. Our club offers the role of Pungent Preceptor. This meeting participant actively listens during the meeting. At the conclusion of the meeting the Pungent Preceptor asks meeting participants facts about what was said during the meeting. Meeting participants have the chance to share what they actually heard during the meeting. Remember, you are welcome to visit as many times as you like before becoming a member. Come see for yourself how being one of 270,000 Toastmasters can make a significant difference in your personal and professional life.

Ready to take the next step in your personal development journey? Join us at our next meeting and discover the powerful speaker within you. Click this link for more meeting details. Whether in person or online, we are excited to welcome you to our community. Let’s make greatness together!

#toastmastersinternational #leadership #publicspeaking #selfimprovement
